Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Here are some pictures of a miniature cheeseboard I have made. It gave it to my housemate as a present but I have borrowed it back. I don't know if he has noticed. I can make more cheeseboards with different cheeses on.

Here are some pendants I have made using polymer clay items embedded in resin with a polymer clay layer glued on the back.

Do you like iced gems? I can make them any colour and stick them to earring studs.
Here is a random photo of when I painted a Lichtenstein gun on my parents landing wall. My brother is now twice the height that he was in that picture.

...and here I am having a lie down in a flower bed;

That's all for now love MiniPatisserie xx

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Here is Ali, the famous maker of mufflypuffs, and I.

Our observations (click on below image to enlarge)

Next time I will brush my hair.

Ali's etsy shop is here. It is absolutely essential that everybody purchases a mufflypuff right now.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Lewes Clocktower Market

Here am I at the Lewes clocktower market looking moody on Saturday last week;

I had two assistants, Phil and Alex. Here are our observations;


Here is a photo of a sculpture of a naked lady in the Hop Gallery in Lewes;

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Firle Garden Show

Another amazing papier maché creation by Emily Warren (The Stealthy Rabbit)

There are some more photos of the show here

Also the MiniPatisserie facebook page is here . If you like it can you press like? If you don't like it can you press like anyway?

oooooh look! Here are Will and Kate (by Emily W) in papier maché;

..and here is the blog of Erin MacAirt, who is an artist living in Firle, who was also exhibiting at the show. Here are her Flickr photos.

Right I must go and do the washing up right now.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

Melbourne Arts and Crafts Market

My view of the place

My aunty Jill

My cousin Laurence (very good at persuading the older ladies to buy cake)

I met some really nice people at the market especially Tina at the stall next to me who made necklaces out of buttons. There was one elderly lady who wasn't very nice though and said the price of my miniature cake was ridiculous and how could she possibly afford that. Then she ran off! There was a tombola featuring as prizes what seemed to be the unwanted contents of somebody's bathroom. I took a photo when no one was looking. The tombola lady said she would tell my fortune. As I had predicted to myself, the predictions were a bit vague but apparently there are angels looking over me (!). She also said I should come to her cancer support group and it didn't matter that I didn't have cancer or know anyone who had it. But I can't as it is a four hour train journey from where I live.
The old-skool tombola:

This was the best prize I think;

Me and the hoardes of customers...

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Very Messy Workstation

I am just in the process of making some heart earrings but until I have worked out how to take some decent pictures of them I thought I would show some photos of my very messy workstation.