Saturday, 19 September 2009

Rob Ryan

Found on Wee Birdy, I really love this Rob Ryan cover for Elle for London Fashion Week.

Rob Ryan has been a favourite of mine since I came across 'This is for you.'

Castor and Pollux had an exhibition of his work recently. Or not that recently. I just looked it up and it was a year ago.

But it was very good. I could happily decorate my whole house in his stuff.

(The images are from Rob Ryan's website)

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Craftacular Photos

Well, we had a really good time at the Bust Craftacular. We ate some cupcakes, drank some tea, met lots of interesting people, danced to some great songs and even sold a few things too. It's taken a little while to recover but now we are back on form, here are some photos from the day.

Caroline behind our already wonky stall. We had just been given a two minute warning before they let people in.

These heads are made by Emily Warren and sold almost immediately. Must bring replacements next time!

Tatty Devine's record breaking charm bracelet. Their stuff is always great and they are having a half price sale at the moment so it's a good time to head over there.

The DJs all day were brilliant. I think this is the Queens of Noize dancing.

Caroline and Louise. Louise was an absolute star for helping out, I don't think we could have managed without her (thanks!).

Thursday, 20 August 2009

Bustline this week!

This is very exciting!

Better make some more of those pink cakes slices.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Big News for Small Things

We are very excited to have been accepted for Bust's Summer Craftacular!

We visited the Christmas event and were very impressed by the stalls, the outfits, the people and especially the cakes.

This time we will have our own stall so the last couple of weeks have been very busy getting everything together. Hope you can pop by!

Monday, 8 June 2009

Well the Brighton festival has finished... loads of people took the little business cards that were from and we had to order another lot. Unfortunately there was about £50 worth of jewellery missing at the end of the month which seems to have been nicked and this isn't so great...but it was a good experience. I can't make any more items for the etsy shop just yet because I haven't got all my tools and clay with me at the moment but I will as soon as possible. I have had some interesting people that have started to follow me on twitter recently including NJDMiniatures and Jemjoop. Also here are some photos of the festival;

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Brighton festival

Hello to anyone that's interested. I am going to be showing some stuff off this year in the Brighton festival at 13 Lincoln Cottages on the Hanover trail. I am getting a bit stressed trying to get everything ready for it because I have got so many other things to do as well but I managed to make some donuts and croissants and I found a little mouse that I made ages ago.

I also made some marshmallows and a cheeseboard. The photos are a bit rubbish though and I haven't done the blue lines on the stilton yet.....

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Today I have listed a few things on Apart from that I haven't taken any pictures of my makings so instead I am posting a few photos taken in Iceland. The first is of wild ponies and the second is of an Icelandic graveyard which was in the middle of nowhere.

Friday, 20 March 2009

I have decided to combine two of my interests (fimo and celebrities) by harassing celebrities and trying to get them to comment on my jewellery. This is what Stephen Fry replied on twitter; 'Deeply impressive.... delicious looking x' and IT REALLY WAS HIM. I then asked Alan Davies from Jonathan Creek and also Mike Skinner from The Streets. They have so far declined to comment.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Today I spent ages trying to make a pair of chocolate earrings because I kept doing it wrong. The result is shown above. Unfortunately I got disturbed in the middle of making them by a giant bee that flew in and chased me for a bit. I managed to shut it in the kitchen but then the door handle fell off.

Monday, 16 February 2009

I have made some new stuff!

Finally I have had chance to make some more stuff. Unfortunately everything seems to get covered in fluff a few seconds after being made. Where does all the fluff come from I wonder? Anyway it seems that 6 of my necklaces have been sold in Brighton in January! - which cheered me up today somewhat. Nobody has purchased the cherry pies (possibly because they look like raw meat pies).