Saturday, 17 August 2013

Here are some of the things made by the kids (and adults actually) at the Fairy Tale Fair in Brighton last weekend...

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Here are some of the pieces of decorated cake jewellery made by children during my recent workshop at Lewes Old Grammar Junior School summer fête:

My next workshop is July 21st at Ashdown Forest Llama Park! Please do get in touch for more info on this or if you're interested in hosting a workshop / stall.

Caroline the MiniPâtissière xx

Thursday, 7 March 2013

I am running a workshop this Saturday at the Fairy Tale Fair in Patcham, Brighton! You can make your own pendants and charms to attach to necklaces or bracelets. It is open from 10.30 till 4.30pm and is opposite Patcham High School entrance.

I am featured on the fair's blog here, which tells you a bit more about the workshop.

The Fairy Tale Fair also has a facebook page and is on twitter. Hope to see you there! xx

Click on the flyer to view properly..